Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wedding Kavithaigal In Tamil

Freight transport in sustainable mobility

Illustration - Van Ford Transit Connect EV presented at the Auto Show in Chicago this week. It will be marketed in 2010 (Photo: Ford)

This week, Ford announced that his first all-electric vehicle will be the Transit Connect van EV promised for 2010. (Photo above). They join forces for this new product to the British company Smith Electric Vehicles already well established and offers a range of electric trucks, as can be seen on their website.

Ford does not give details on the performance of the truck, but because it corresponds to the model of Smith Ampere, Ampere we know can run up to 110 mph and travel up to 160 km on a full charge of its Li-ion battery, which should translate in real life to a range of 100 to 120 km.

In fact, urban transport of goods is probably the area where vehicles will s'électrifier first . Indeed, the vehicles need not drive faster than 90 km / h or distances exceeding 150 km per day approximately . In addition, the vehicles returned to the company every night, where you can easily recharge their batteries. The company TNT, the largest express courier company in England, has understood since they bought in 2007 and 2008, Newton 150 trucks of 7.5 tons, the company Smith Electric Vehicles (shown below ).

Illustration - A 150-Newton Smith electric trucks purchased in 2007 and 2008 by the courier company TNT in England. (Photo: TNT)

Intercity transport of goods is more difficult to electrify due to tractor-trailers that often travel 800 km per day while consuming much more than a light vehicle . In Roll without oil, I demonstrate that the tractor-trailer hybrid of tomorrow will consume 3 times less fuel than today. To achieve this, we should rely on hybridization, a motor heat 25% more efficient, better aerodynamics (Figure below), the electric wheel motors and the reduction of speed on motorways to 95 km / h. After , have reduced energy consumption by a factor 3 could equip the tractor-trailer 2 to 3 tons of high-performance Li-ion batteries, allowing them to travel about 300 kilometers by electricity. With lithium titanate batteries, it would be possible to complete in less than 20 minutes at a charging station one million Watts (1 MW) . For reference, electricity is transferred to a bullet train with a power of 9 MW.

Illustration - designed by Luigi Colani Trucks (Source: Wikimedia Commons , author: Wikipedia is, August 2005)

Furthermore, in a context of scarce energy, it is desirable that people consume more locally, thereby reducing the number of trucks on the roads. Moreover, the high cost of oil in 2008 has raised cooperation between transport companies, which have become more and more cocamionnage when their trucks are not full, which, again, reduces the number of trucks on roads. Finally, you can also divert part of semi-trailers through trains . This is the principle of piggybacking, more and more popular in Europe, where trains run largely on electricity.

Illustration - Station intermodal piggyback between Luxembourg and Perpignan, managed by the French company Lorry Rail (Source: Lorry Rail)

In closing, we should not forget we can also Freight transport electricity through high-speed monorail that I mentioned in my post on February 9, 2009.


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