Friday, December 17, 2010

Only Pokemon Pitchers

Preview Courier December 2010 "1000 FRIENDS of kinnor"

... While we remain concerned by the problem of "red zone" that slows the Hermitage in Florence and Project Space PT de Chardin, we seek to build teams of framework in line with the realism of the support and facilitation of People with Disabilities ... but we know our side and has been for 40 years, since December 8, 2010 began the anniversary of forty years of this Adventure kinnor who every day that God made, challenges the "reasonable" human ...

Theresa Marie and Jean-Claude

Sunday, December 12, 2010

At&t Internet On Sidekick

takes ten seconds to realize you think!

John-Dylan Haynes
Centre for Neuroscience in Berlin was a curious experience (1). He volunteers sat at a table on which was placed two buttons, a red and a green button. He asked participants to look at the two buttons, making the decision to press one of these buttons and once decided, to support immediately. These people were related fMRI and a face that fMRI researcher present at the scene watching him, the brain in the process of responding on a computer screen. The researcher observed that the brain had made his decision about 10 seconds before people have the sense to do so spontaneously! Their brains knew So already for ten seconds what they would do ten seconds later, thinking ahead to spontaneously decide ... !
Other experiments initiated in 1983 from Benjamin Libet JD Haynes were already preparing for this observation. Obviously this experience raises questions about free will. Which referee do we decide if our brains behind our back ten seconds before us?
You say of course that our brain is still us! But if you reflect further, you'll realize it's a little more complicated. Because what the brain knows, our body shows it and translating it so close sometimes ten seconds before we realize it. He who knows how to decode the messages of the body has him ten seconds to give up doing what you were going to do ... unless you have consciousness.
Example: You
accompany your partner in a store. She stops before a brightly colored sweater. This sweater is too colorful for her to know immediately if she loves him. His body, it shows that she loves him, because her brain knows she loves him. She did not even realize.
You say then:
- It's funny I saw this same sweater worn by someone so vulgar .... You think how you?
In fact you have to interfere with the free will of your partner without its having been aware. You transform his trial to come even without his knowledge. By sending the message that the sweater is vulgar in a way you prevent to find it pretty. While it would naturally find it very taste in a few seconds ...

There are people who still think that we train our minds when we make. Do not wake up too soon, too abruptly awakened people are always in a bad mood ..

(1) JD Haynes et al. Decoding mental states from brain activity in Humans, in Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Vol. 7 (7), pp. 523-34, 2006 Record Brain and psychology, No. 41 September-October 2010, pp-70-72.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What Do Pearl Thongs Do

Make nap to advance research to understand

you aware that placed in the supine position, we cease to work certain areas of the left hemisphere normally stimulated by rage and the anger subsides. These areas are located in the left frontal cortex. (1)
This observation has several advantages. The first is to allow us to understand that the seat of negative emotions does not lie in the right hemisphere, as would tend to say Richard Davidson and Paul Ekman (2). In
synergology it seems quite clear that positive emotions are generated from the right hemisphere, this seems particularly true lover of all states, and more generally positive statements lascivious hypotonic. As such synergology is closer theories (3) refusing to lock in a seat cerebral emotions.
The other advantage of the discovery of Harmon Jones is intellectually more challenging. It helps to understand the brain motor precursor emotional brain activity that did not still produced but it is already possible to observe!
In the case described, it is possible by looking at the person lying to say that his anger is fading away while she did not even realize!

You have understood a synergologist has no powers to speak of specific brain seat of emotions, but it can come into force proposal in hand when it comes to observing emotions. Because from that part of the face or body set in motion, it is always possible to return to the cerebral hemisphere involved.

Avouez que de telles observations devraient nous donner le désir de faire attention davantage à notre interlocuteur et décupler nos capacités d’attention et d’écoute…

(1) Harmon Jones E., Peterson. C., Supine body position reduces neural responses to anger evocation, Psychological Science, vol 20., p.1209, 2009
(2) Davidson, RJ., Ekman, P., Saron, C.D., Senulis, J.A. et Friesen, W.V. (1990). Approach withdrawal and cerebral asymetry : Emotional expression and brain physiology. Journal of personnality and social psychology, 58, 330-341.
(3) Derryberry, D. et Tucker, D.M. (1992). Neural Mechanisms of Emotion. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 60 (2), 329-338

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How The Average Size Of Women Have Changed


message blog botox aroused many reactions membership or skepticism, and in all cases of interest.
In fact, it seems difficult to imagine that our brain can stimulate the body areas where we think and the feedback that we send those body areas allows us to feel things, and thus to understand them. And yet ...

Building on the previous post, a neuropsychologist at the University St. Louis, Nicole Speer (1) has read passages from stories of adventure for volunteers and she realized that these people were working the area of the brain in charge of the body, for example, moves the arm if the hero takes up a weapon ... Identification with the hero was not purely intellectual, it was also physical.
In reality this type of research helps to admit that our conscious thoughts are never purely intellectual, they are also physical. We must feel what we're talking to understand. That's why, for example, among mathematicians, zone brain involved in the production of emotions activated when you show them numbers! or we need to activate the zygomatic muscles to understand the laughter of the other ...

synergology And in all this ... because these discoveries are made far enough in appearance to the world of synergology. Maybe not that much. In the context of a broad Construct a Science of Being human, instead of showing the interaction between brain area and body area, it is also possible to return the glove to show that the body area observed is the visible interface of the brain!

For synergologist an emotion that can not be seen does not exist, and if emotion is seen, it is always about the nature of our thoughts!

(1) N Speer et al. "Reading stories activate neural representations of visual and motor experiences" , in Psychological Science, Vol 2, p.989, 2009.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Throat Infection Dentist

O you who believe scientists, have you managed to watch the simple wildflowers? So is it zero, should we not first contemplate?

Ultraceo Philadelphia Alex

Division by zero Orphism keys, the key religions of wildflowers, the key to memory?

Friday, October 15, 2010

Chicken Pox Virus Life Span In Air

Intelligence, botox and emotions

Move the facial muscles, even surreptitiously, when we think can better understand what we think!
Unknowingly, people who are injecting Botox allow researchers to establish the falsifiability This theory, ie to test its veracity, taking his opposite view.

Botulinum toxin is produced by a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum . This bacterium paralyzes the facial muscles where it is injected. The muscle becomes sluggish and wrinkles that might appear lost time during which paralysis. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin (*) injected the toxin at the center of the forehead, a group of young women. They then proposed to read simple texts which gave rise to negative emotions, for which the corrugator muscle is activated when the front sadness fear or anger are experienced. These researchers noted that they put more time to understand the meaning of sentences read and they were losing between 5 and 10% of the meaning of the text.
We know well that if wrinkles appear because we think! In these moments we seek unconsciously to feel that we talk to understand. In the absence of felt, what we hear, read, think, and that our brain registers no sense. We do not really understand.

The body is much more involved than we previously thought in any effort of thought. In synergology skeptics sometimes say, referring microdémangeaisons the (translations of emotional disagreements): "I'm scratching even when I'm alone!" Yet we are never alone. As soon as we think, even alone, we have to emulate an inner world of imaginary dialogues and makes our body helps us feel what we feel to give meaning to these dialogues. Although we are only moved and our features are moving.

Is it necessary to add that special moment or wrinkles disappear is the time of the shroud, the face totally relaxed by the death ... A face where wrinkles are visible and move through is a face of emotions a face crossed by life ...

(*) D. Havas et al., In Psychol. Sc, vol. 21, p. 895, 201

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Departure Time From Pier Head,liverpool

Excerpt from the Courier September 24, 2010

Dear Friends,

our 3rd Weekend "Friendship in Action 18 and September 19, 2010 deserves a report and in any case a lot of recognition for BEEN THERE. The 26 pairs of arms that we and especially the desire to express our "Friendship in Action" were well confirmed. Gratitude does not exclude people who could not come ...

Left click on these 2 pictures to enlarge.

... Remember that the goal this weekend is to come and sell (so to come install, store and even again) in favor of the kinnor OUR PROJECT. From our
number depends on the success of the meeting the wishes kinnor with the general public.
is a chance to have, thanks to the Heritage Days, a large and eclectic for each of its members gives a welcoming face, positive, demonstrative of the commitment of solidarity kinnor.
Although there were fewer visitors this year, attendance is always high and fluctuating.
This is not uplifted our community imagination can still "much to invent and transform organization. Do not hesitate now to propose, he should start thinking now to "Weekend in Action" in 2011.

You gave a beautiful face in kinnor. THANK YOU.

Therese-Marie and Jean-Claude

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Shingles In The Breast

Since 1971, hearing voices, I get visited by apparitions ...

The first time I was in the yard a large high school in Marseille. I had to do mechanical teacher and then I heard it. I did not know what was happening /
Thou shalt guide.
Poor me, I'd never soared and almost never touched an ice ax. I was trapped. Once a voice you put something in mind, how can he escape? That was in 1971, just after the tragedy of the Great cordate Desmaison Gousseault Jorasses. The invisible was going to use me to check everything. Do you have any illusions, the same Invisible expects many people to exit and it will not play ball. Well, well, it will not be accused of misconduct.

Contacts have always continued. I can not count the number of times I would die in the mountains, the number of times I told myself, it's over! Well no, my girlfriend in the Invisible watched and every time I go out. I've seen him do incredible things, things that defy all laws of physics. good, good, I saw nothing, said nothing ...

And then she appeared in person. I reported this on:

a major divinity, most likely a Chronicle certainly a veiled, one that does not say their names and they show nothing or very little ...

messages have always existed since 1971, they came to her, but I do not know. She uses polymorphism for his appearances secondary. Attention .... It is really good, good, again, I saw nothing, said nothing.

My problem was how to communicate with her, a Athanatos Major. That's how I came to these ideas are strange to divide by zero, zero speed of light, etc ... etc ...

Now I understand better what happened. It's pretty simple in the background. Our benchmarks are not the same. His is in the absolute. I had no choice. To understand some of his messages, I had to first get an idea of its repository. It was very funny in the background.

It began with the concept of Life and Non Life, remembering numbers or sets, then the memory itself. It was like abstractions on abstractions. Person could not understand what I was saying, so why bother trying to explain to people who were not connected to the Invisible. although there was a lost cause.

Then I advanced to the cardinals double, I read a few Cantor and finally I found some answers. Then I said, it's too beautiful, and it is impossible that nobody could have seen this before. I thought of Evariste Galois and his manuscript actually shows that he had asked and he said: "I do not have time," proof that he felt something.

But it was only the abstract part. My girlfriend in the Invisible communicated so very complex and funny thing is that it rocked me strange ideas that I can decode. Everything became easier when I asked that c = 0. The speed of light is constant because it is zero. We measure upside down, in fact from the reference of my girlfriend. Was just to make me understand that life, mass, material, I was in a state of delay from the original zero. good, good, ....

I had other tools, other structures and therefore I needed time to understand its messages. At the beginning my girlfriend was often angry against me. My watch still retarded. she used to poltergeists to show his impatience.

Now, I can forward a bit since my clocks go forward and that she is in the freundligeists.

Well, cool with that division by zero and the concept of mechanical non-life. You will not utility. For my part it is routine and necessary to decode some messages from my girlfriend and return them in our reference to us.

If you are interested, I threw a few basic principles on this blog. I do not say ... why.

A small clarification: This is a building that matched what I needed.
It is possible to imagine other buildings where it would be possible to be alive in several different sets at once (outside the inclusions, of course), etc ... etc ...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Best Places To Celebrate Birthday In Bangalore

Of Mice and Men

Critics of the theory that emotions are universal believe that some of them would be of cultural origin, Jeffrey S. Mogil and Kenneth Craig, professors of psychology at the University of British Columbia, working on emotions in mice have shown by subjecting them to a stimulus of moderate pain that they showed signs of discomfort, observable through specific facial expressions, read exactly the same terms as in humans. ( Electronic version of the journal Nature Methods May 9, 2010 )

images processed at the University of British Columbia have identified five facial features

1. Tightening orbital (eye closure),

2. Swelling of the nose

3. Bulging cheeks cheeks.

4. Changing the position of the ear

5. Changing the position of whiskers

The first three of these five signs behave exactly the same characteristics as the observed moderate bodily pain in humans.

We already knew that dogs were capable of recognizing human emotions. Perhaps that is why the household between man and dog is not only possible but harmonious. But with the mouse we are no longer to ask ourselves again if emotions could be universally accepted in humans.

There will be a time when the observation of emotions in the animal world will no longer say that the primary emotions in humans are cultural ...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Actress Showing Breests

Eric Woerth and synergology

In the days next you will have the opportunity to see the French Minister Eric Woerth put on the spot and without prejudice to the fact that you will see an innocent man guilty or answer questions, you will find that if invited to s' explain and chooses an antenna or a forum to do so, facing the camera and / or journalist to whom he will speak, he spent more than 80% of the time to answer questions or to make developed , head leaning slightly to his right. This inevitably happens when you put yourself in control of his speech (*).

Ultimately nothing prevents conceivable that the discipline is synergology predictive, some assumptions can be refuted in the sense of Karl Popper, it may as such and therefore classified in the field of hard sciences ....

(*) being left handed or right does not interfere in such processes.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What Happened To Anne Of Cleves After The Divorce

Universality of reading emotion

The universality of reading emotion is a fundamental postulate of synergology. When we say "universality" means the universality of the emotions felt as emotional expression may be different from one culture to another. This is also because the emotions can be universally understood that human beings can understand what the other feels, without the need to talk.
As the advancement of knowledge of the brain makes its way, new data advance the thesis of the universality of emotions. We now know for example that 66 same mirror neurons, (to put themselves in the place of others and becomes active both when we perform an act when we see him start at the other), have been identified in 21 patients epilepsy in a population of 1177 neurons studied from implants in the brains of epileptic patients (*). The existence of this class of neurons had been first identified in monkeys. They can better understand and culture can not be invoked to explain their creation ...

See R. Mukamel et al curent Biology, 8, 50, 2010.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hemorrhagic Stroke Typespoki

Caracas airport

Maquetía International Airport, Caracas is not a model Home in Venezuela.

Unfortunately, scams are common.
Be careful when your payments, check your money twice and do not leave your tickets one at a time.
There is a passage connecting the international airport to domestic airport, as soon as you retrieve your luggage before leaving on your left. From outside the distance is less than 500m.
Ask: Cuanto? To Details of the minimum wage is less than BsF 3/hour. 10-20
BsF service remains correct, you can donate more, it's up to you. Accompanying
Some people have devel an escort service to help you find your match. Same to you to consider service for payment.
Below exchange rates, but there is an unofficial market almost double, but be careful when risks are large transactions, particularly at the airport.
The official rate is: $ BsF 1 = 4.30 (fixed rate) 1
BsF = 5.887 (11/02/10) Floating
Finally the difference between the Old and Bolivar Fuerte simple to understand the value of the former, it is enough to remove three ZERO or Bs BsF 1,000 = 1.
following fees payable to: Impuesto de Salida
, it is included in the ticket price may be adjusted depending on the date of purchase.
BS.F. 162.50 ($ 37.79)
Tasa Aeroportuarias Internacional
BS.F. 162.50 ($ 37.79)
Tasa Aeroportuarias Nacional
BS.F. 32.50 ($ 7.56)
Tasa Aeroportuarias Nacional de Margarita 32.50 BS.F

All comments are welcome. Hasta luego

Labels for this post Airfare

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Recepi For Ready Made Pancake

Boat trips to Los Roques Margarita

Inaki offers us a boat ride around the island of Margarita.
Ambiance super nice, the captain speaking a French singing, tinged with that accent his native Basque.
By clicking on the photo you will access the site Perla Negra baptismal name of the boat.
From Margarita: boat ride to El Coche, Tortuga, Los Roques.
A Week Kite-Surfing aboard PERLA NEGRA
- Day 1 El Yaque-El Coche
reception, presentation of the crew and instructors, you can rent equipment, evaluation on the del Coche Island. Transfer to the island of Tortuga.
- 2nd Day Tortuga
All spots of the island, transfer of night.
- Day 3 Cayo Herradura
All spots of the island
- Day 4 Sail to Los Roques
- 5th and 6th Day Los Roques
All spots in the archipelago
- 7th Day return Caracas by plane
For more information contact: flydiscount
Good ride and enjoy your stay.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Kate's Playground - Set 160

Archipelago de los Roques,
Superb location Do not miss
The posadas are concentrated on Gran Roque (Dozens) for any budget.
Most offer all-inclusive solutions, including 3 meals and excursions on each island.
This formula is recommended as the most beautiful beaches are not on Gran Roque.
You can find some shops Gran Roque: Bodegon (selling alcohol), bakers, grocers, pharmacy, bank (Banesco), internet, restaurant and bars.
Activities: Diving

Tips: Beware
prices are much more expensive than anywhere in VENEZUELA.
If you are not fond of kite-surfing and diving, a night or two at most are sufficient.
Opt for all-inclusive solutions, thus avoiding a budget exploded. Choose
posadas on the outside of the village center nights can be noisy.
Think of sunscreen and products against mosquito bites.
Caracas-Los Roques-Caracas from 900BsF
Porlamar Porlamar to Los Roques from 1.400BsF
From 30 € to 200 € / Night / Person
rental mask, snorkel and Palm 30BsF/Jour
Lanchas to tour the islands or for specific routes from 50BsF/Personne
Good stay

Milena Velba Latest Galleries

Posada, hotel and apartment in Margarita

Prices vary by season, location and capacity
From 30 €.
Posada (small hotel rooms under 9)
From 15 € / night with breakfast Hotel

From 20 € / Night / Person
Hotel all inclusive (3 meals + + Open Bar Beach access)
From from 35 € / Night / Person

Home in French:
Posadas Hotels and Casa el Pozo
among Karen and Jeff in Playa el Agua Hotel
Yemaya at Hervé in Playa El Yaque El Casa
Lutecia among Colette in Porlamar
Descanso Tropical, with Eric Jacobo and Juan Griego

Guacuco, Chez Pierre
Playa Caribe,

But also to Macanao Cabatucan Ranch for a horseback ride with Luke . For diving
Olivier los Frailes or on the island of Cubagua. But also
boat with Inaki or another Olivier
A coffee at Helene and Fabien the mall AB
flowers in Annick mall CM2

Apologies for the forgotten, contact me and you will be added on the list.

Letter To Vip In Hotel

Some tips on travel in Venezuela

Some tips on travel:

Think first about your personal hygiene, avoid arriving in the fresh juices, salads and stews for a few days.
Watch where you walk the streets and sidewalks are full of holes or defects levels. Dengue
near the Brazilian border.

First it depends on your behavior, avoid any outward sign of richesse.Ne out that small cuts and divide your money, not all in one place.
Remember to bring a copy of your passport to any output.
News items that affect more Venezuelans tourists.

Accept first that some services have different prices between tourists and locals. Ask
prices and find out before acting.

Venezuelans are very open, so try to speak English or even Français.Ne not make advances to a woman or young woman accompanied gentleman is jealous.
It's worse if not, beware ladies.
Tips and small parts are customs, begin by là.5% of your bill is the principle, you be the judge.
Provide beer, caramels or a bottle of whiskey can be as a solution.
Be open without being naive, cautious without being paranoid, jovial without being silly.
Venezuelans do not always have a very good image of us to you to make that change.

Undeveloped area, the country's fabulous natural wealth and can afford to ignore this activity, which has the advantage of keeping areas pristine. In part
cons comfort is not always the RDV.

Exchange control has created a parallel market, which implies that we must use cash only, for longer stays you will find opportunities for transfer.
Blue cards and travelers checks are éviter.Change Official (08/08/2009) 1 € = 3.049 BsF, parallel exchange € 1 = 7 to 9BsF.
The rate changes every few days and be more favorable based on the following criteria:
amount (100 € or 10,000 €), value cuts (10 € or 100 €), term (cash or bank transfer).

inflation is 20-30% / year, obviously the prices on some guides are struggling to be updated.
The price of petrol will be most impressive indeed full of 40L is less than 1 €. Bon Voyage


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Yellow Throat Mucus During Pregnancy

Weekend on the island of Coche

A nice place to practice kitesurfing.
Constant wind, calm sea.
Off season there were only a few practitioners in the majority of Russians.
For more information on the location, ability to package: Flight + Hotel
Quotation service available
Hasta luego

Friday, August 6, 2010

Sample Indian Wedding Blouse

Specialist tickets to Venezuela

FlyDiscount grows, now in English in Italian and soon in English.

Se site allows you to get the best prices for airline tickets.

From every city in the world to Venezuela and neighboring countries.

For the month of September of promotions from 400 € round trip.

You can also become partners in this case just send your application .

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Indian Of Black Hairy

Condor restricts the sale of its notes

Company CONDOR, sell more tickets in Bolivares on Venezuelan soil, only in foreign currencies.
Also from November 3, 2010 frequencies to pass a flight a week, on Wednesdays.
Rumor announces blackout from April 2011.
Still offers via Caracas are anyway very attractive. Bon Voyage