ILLUSTRATION - Group of pulling the plug-in hybrid car in-wheel motors designed by Pierre Couture of the Research Institute of Hydro-Quebec, and whose first prototype was introduced in 1994. To learn more click HERE and download the free episode "The coming revolution in hybrid electric vehicles in Volume 2 of" On the road to power "(Design: Pierre Langlois)
We are present-ing a watershed in the history of the automobile, where we will have to invest huge sums to reduce our dependence on oil. The rapid depletion of gold black, geopolitical conditions attached to them, the problems of air pollution and global warming we are strong incentives to drive more and more electricity. In this regard, it is important to identify the best technologies to implement by 2030, to avoid massive investments that lead nowhere, like hydrogen cars . Should we invest in all-electric cars or hybrid cars that branch?
company Project Better Place militates in favor of all-electric cars, proposing to install an expensive infrastructure of charging stations and battery exchange where we could refuel less electricity than 5 minutes. With plug-in hybrid cars, we do not need to install new infrastructure as it can be refueled at gas stations EVERYWHERE already existing, while logging 80% of our mileage in electric mode, and reloading a smaller battery every day, at home or at work. In addition, the plug-in hybrid cars enjoy full autonomy (electrical and fuel) over 700 km, unlike the 150 km to 200 km of all-electric cars.
Some advocates of the concept Project Better Place says it is cheaper to install a charging infrastructure and exchange of the batteries to put two engines (one electric and thermal) plug-in hybrid cars in large scale . But to reach such a conclusion, they must certainly exclude the cost of batteries. Because the cost of lithium battery performance, long duration, is approximately $ 20 000 to provide a range of 100 km at a midsize car. Assuming that the price decreases by half with mass production, we arrive at $ 20 000 for a battery electric car while having a range of 200 km.
But you must know that 2 out of 3 drivers are less than 50 km per day in America, let alone daily mileage in Europe on average. However, a battery capable of giving a range of 50 km would cost only $ 5,000 to equip a plug-in hybrid car instead of $ 20,000 for an all-electric car that can travel 200 km. For the plug-in hybrid car, just add about $ 3,000 to incorporate a motor-generator fuel that can recharge the battery in transit on long journeys. Therefore, the high cost battery ensures that the plug-in hybrid cars would cost $ 12,000 less than the all-electric cars of the same caliber .
also install a battery of 200 km of autonomy while a battery of 50 km range would be sufficient for daily needs is a real waste of resources . not forget that the global lithium reserves are estimated at 11 million tonnes, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, and we expected that there will be over 1 billion vehicles on the roads in 2030.
Now it must be said, a range of 200 km for an all electric car is not sufficient to meet all the needs of motorists, particularly as it descends rapidly to 200 km within 150 km when using the heating or air conditioning. Increase the battery life is too expensive and heavier the car too, since it takes about 200 kg per 100 km of autonomy for the efficient lithium batteries. Thus, for a range of 400 km it needs a battery of 800 kg, which significantly increases the energy consumption of the car and its performance decreases necessarily .
Finally, fully electric cars are facing another problem, that of increased fragility against a major power outage . Quebecers who have experienced the ice storm of 1998 and were without electricity for three weeks in midwinter know something. The all-electric cars could not move, whereas with plug-in hybrid cars could have been supplying electricity to homes from motor generator on board. The redundancy offered energy liquid fuels is therefore its weight in gold. It is
possible that in 25 or 30 years the all-electric cars take over. But before that can happen, it will take until the battery is capable of storing 5 times more electricity for the same weight as lithium-ion batteries today, their price is ten times lower, and our electricity networks are decentralized, to reduce their vulnerability. Until then, all electric cars could reach up to 20% of the market as a second family car to work and do shopping. But for that we do not need an infrastructure to exchange batteries or removable batteries. It would gradually add charging stations at strategic locations, accessible to all electric cars, not just those of Project Better Place. In fact, most people will simply recharge their electric cars urban home for the night, when rates are lower.
company Project Better Place militates in favor of all-electric cars, proposing to install an expensive infrastructure of charging stations and battery exchange where we could refuel less electricity than 5 minutes. With plug-in hybrid cars, we do not need to install new infrastructure as it can be refueled at gas stations EVERYWHERE already existing, while logging 80% of our mileage in electric mode, and reloading a smaller battery every day, at home or at work. In addition, the plug-in hybrid cars enjoy full autonomy (electrical and fuel) over 700 km, unlike the 150 km to 200 km of all-electric cars.
Some advocates of the concept Project Better Place says it is cheaper to install a charging infrastructure and exchange of the batteries to put two engines (one electric and thermal) plug-in hybrid cars in large scale . But to reach such a conclusion, they must certainly exclude the cost of batteries. Because the cost of lithium battery performance, long duration, is approximately $ 20 000 to provide a range of 100 km at a midsize car. Assuming that the price decreases by half with mass production, we arrive at $ 20 000 for a battery electric car while having a range of 200 km.
But you must know that 2 out of 3 drivers are less than 50 km per day in America, let alone daily mileage in Europe on average. However, a battery capable of giving a range of 50 km would cost only $ 5,000 to equip a plug-in hybrid car instead of $ 20,000 for an all-electric car that can travel 200 km. For the plug-in hybrid car, just add about $ 3,000 to incorporate a motor-generator fuel that can recharge the battery in transit on long journeys. Therefore, the high cost battery ensures that the plug-in hybrid cars would cost $ 12,000 less than the all-electric cars of the same caliber .
also install a battery of 200 km of autonomy while a battery of 50 km range would be sufficient for daily needs is a real waste of resources . not forget that the global lithium reserves are estimated at 11 million tonnes, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, and we expected that there will be over 1 billion vehicles on the roads in 2030.
Now it must be said, a range of 200 km for an all electric car is not sufficient to meet all the needs of motorists, particularly as it descends rapidly to 200 km within 150 km when using the heating or air conditioning. Increase the battery life is too expensive and heavier the car too, since it takes about 200 kg per 100 km of autonomy for the efficient lithium batteries. Thus, for a range of 400 km it needs a battery of 800 kg, which significantly increases the energy consumption of the car and its performance decreases necessarily .
Finally, fully electric cars are facing another problem, that of increased fragility against a major power outage . Quebecers who have experienced the ice storm of 1998 and were without electricity for three weeks in midwinter know something. The all-electric cars could not move, whereas with plug-in hybrid cars could have been supplying electricity to homes from motor generator on board. The redundancy offered energy liquid fuels is therefore its weight in gold. It is
possible that in 25 or 30 years the all-electric cars take over. But before that can happen, it will take until the battery is capable of storing 5 times more electricity for the same weight as lithium-ion batteries today, their price is ten times lower, and our electricity networks are decentralized, to reduce their vulnerability. Until then, all electric cars could reach up to 20% of the market as a second family car to work and do shopping. But for that we do not need an infrastructure to exchange batteries or removable batteries. It would gradually add charging stations at strategic locations, accessible to all electric cars, not just those of Project Better Place. In fact, most people will simply recharge their electric cars urban home for the night, when rates are lower.
Our analysis thus demonstrates that the vast majority of cars in the next quarter century should be a plug-in hybrid cars capable of traveling more than 100 km in electric mode . By 2010, the plug-in hybrid cars could consume 10 times less fuel than conventional cars, since 80% of their mileage could be done in electric mode and that these cars use about half the fuel used by conventional cars, when operating in fuel mode. In 15 years hence, the plug-in hybrid cars will progress to consume 20 times less fuel than gasoline cars of today. We can then dispense fuel oil and use only second-generation biofuels (made from plant waste and nonfood) .
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