Saturday, February 28, 2009

How To Dress A Conservatory

How much water to produce biofuels?

Graphic - fresh water, a resource to preserve. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons )

One of the main arguments put forward against biofuels is the high consumption of fresh water to produce, at least with current technologies. But by doing the right way, the plug-in hybrid cars of tomorrow will consume less than one liter of water per day.

Take a midsize car that normally consumes 8 liters of gasoline per 100 kilometers. If it is operated with 85% ethanol (E85), the largest commercial concentration, you will then need 11.2 gallons of E85 (including 9.6 liters of ethanol) to travel 100 km. The required amount is greater due to the fact that ethanol contains only 2 / 3 of the chemical energy of gasoline, for a given volume.

Now if E85 fuel to produce this one takes the corn in Nebraska, we know that corn requires 780 liters of irrigation water per liter of ethanol produced (see my book Driving without oil for more details). In addition about 4 to 5 liters of water per liter of ethanol to the needs of the manufacturing plant. In total, 785 liters of water are required for each liter of ethanol produced.

Thus, our traditional mid-size car powered by E85 ethanol in Nebraska consumes 7,500 liters of water per 100 km. This represents about 4100 liters of water a day for someone who would travel 20000 km per year. We now understand very well why many environmentalists are not warm to the idea!

But before throwing out the baby with the bathwater, let's see how we can come to consume less than one liter of water per day!

For this, we must of course use energy crops that do not need watering, as the tall grass prairie wildlife, including switchgrass (switchgrass). We saw in another post these weeds have roots 3 meters deep very effective in capturing soil moisture.

Furthermore, we also saw in another post , that plug-in hybrid cars advances will consume 4 times less fuel than conventional cars when they operate in fuel mode. But as these cars of tomorrow will travel 80% of their kilometers on electricity, they will actually consume 20 times less fuel.

Now we mentioned above a car through traditional operating with 85% ethanol requires about 10 liters of ethanol per 100 km. Advanced plug-in hybrid cars of tomorrow will therefore require only 0.5 litres/100 km on average (20 times), corresponding to 0.28 liters of ethanol per day for an annual mileage of 20000 km .

Finally, new ethanol plants will reduce their water consumption to about 3 liters of water per liter of ethanol produced through new technologies such as, inter alia, that developed by the Quebec company Vaperma . This innovative company has developed molecular filters that can separate water from ethanol without the need for distillation. They can save up to 45% of the energy normally used in an ethanol plant, while consuming less water. The decrease in CO2 emissions is also significant.

Illustration - Filter molecular Company Vaperma to separate water from ethanol without distillation. The filters are made of polymeric membranes in the form of hollow fibers that combines to form the filter cartridges.

Moreover, for sectors thermochemical (pyrolysis, gasification) the manufacturing of biofuels consume, in turn, less than 2 liters of water per liter of biodiesel produced.

There is also a new channel hybrid thermo-biological put forward by the company Coskata, which uses microorganisms to convert the synthesis gas (mixture of CO, H2 and CO2), from a thermal process (gasification) in ethanol. According Coskata, the process consumes less than one liter of water per liter of ethanol produced! That's less than petrol . To achieve such performance, Coskata does not use distillation, but a process of molecular filtration for separating water from ethanol, probably similar to the filters Vaperma. In addition, the Coskata process has no drying residues, like those found in traditional ethanol plants, to make the meal sold as a dietary supplement protein in the livestock industry. The distillation of beer (mash) and dry tailings are two processes that consume more water by evaporation.

Illustration - thermobiologique method of manufacturing ethanol company Coskata (Source: Coskata).

Ultimately, our advanced plug-in hybrid car traveling 20,000 km / year (16000 km electricity) will consume less than one liter of water per day, using biofuel made from grass Indians do not require watering, and manufactured with the right technology!

To put this water consumption in our car tomorrow it is interesting to know the water consumption per kilogram for various foods. The following table summarizes the results found in the book by David Pimentel and MH Pimentel, Food Energy and Society , CRC Press, 2008. It shows that we need 43,000 liters of water to produce 1 kg of beef, more than 6000 liters of water per 150 grams steak ! This is not a liter of water per day of our car that will endanger our freshwater resources. Too large portion of meat in our diet, particularly red meat, is much more worrying in this respect ...

Illustration - Number of gallons of water required to produce a kilogram of different foods, depending on the work of David Pimentel, professor of ecology and agriculture at Cornell University.

How To Clean Stains Of Gi

Florian El Coche

small balance of my trip àCoche from February 7 to 21 with my girlfriend who taught ...

1 Flight:
we had a plan with a French living in Isla Margarita and rampant on this forum (see post margarita, tick) these prices are unbeatable ....
it is not necessary to book its flight between Caracas and Porlamar (if you go through caracas) because flights are "random", ours has been superseded by a flight three hours later ...

2 hotels:
at first, we stayed at the El Yaque Yaque Paradise with breakfast included. correct hotel a bit old but clean and cheap. staff does its job but no more ... suddenly, we took the boat every day to go and check this bad surprise, it's 50 bolivars (slightly less than 10 €) per person round trip! the budget is likely to take a slap ....
but the mono kite my girlfriend talks about brisas del mar check that is all inclusive. So we change hotel and there is happiness! the rooms are really small apartments very cool, clean and spacious. the food is very good even if you turn round quickly at the range ... and most importantly, the staff is on top! always ready to serve you! you can even use the wifi internet and last trump, the price: it is normally from 52 € per day per person is responsible but the prices for kiters who can pay in euros or dollars and there .... , AC is really worth to us (cheaper than El Yaque) ... In addition, the hotel has its own boat to shuttle between Yaqui and tick free ....

3 the money:
the black market is very present for the changes, the first person to be addressed to make changes is a cop! crazy! they are all there! it is useful to change a small amount to the airport to pay taxes but the highest rates are found in the street .... attention so when you pull out your ticket .... take dollars but euros are also highly regarded .... when we were there the average officiux was 1 € = 7 bolivars $ 1 = 5.5 bolivars but it varies depending on the amount and size of cuts ....
in all cases it is better to pay in bolivars, no scam on the exchange rate even if sometimes you do traders a better price if you pay in € or $. as an indication of the taxi to El Yaque in porlamar should not cost you more than 25 bolivars otherwise the driver will scam ...

4 ° kite:
apparently this year is not a winter top and well, I sailed almost every day (one day when it was light and I'm the lazy ...)! ! we had a little bit of rain (unusual for the season). if the spot is perfect for freestyle, flat clear because off (perfect for learning) and safe as the boats are here to help if needed (30 bolivars) ... school chris is on the spot, perfect for waiting for the wind gets up in the shade. you can rent lockers to store your gear. my girlfriend took lessons with Nicolas, a single french super nice and available and has made good progress!

voila, although apparently it was not the best conditions we had a good stuffed and looking forward to returning for cons, the next we will not overlook Los Roques ....!

if you have any questions just ask!!

PS: for fans of fone, the store solokite (at El Yaque in hotel california) sells the bandit back has good prices, eg the 9M is complete to 990 € (negotiable I think ...)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Humerous Wedding Invitation Language

Is there enough lithium batteries for $ 1 billion plug-in hybrid vehicles?

Graphic - Harvesting of salt in the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, the largest lithium reserves in the world (source: Wikimedia Commons )

Arrival Market Li-ion high-performance was undoubtedly the trigger for the impending revolution in road transport. But are there enough lithium to power a billion cars on the planet, ultimately?

To answer this, we need to know, first, that by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the reserves of lithium on the planet is estimated at 11 million metric tons . But these estimates do not include reserves of Argentina that the company Orocobre made known recently (3 million tons). A very informative report on global lithium and markets is available on the website of this company . This report by Martin Place Securities can be downloaded by clicking on the "News" of March 31, 2008 Olaroz project. Side the United States, the company Western Lithium is currently conducting geological expertise of a large clay deposit of lithium in Nevada, in King Valley. The estimated reserve is 2.08 million tonnes of lithium (11 million tons of lithium carbonate, Li2CO3) and is not recognized either in evaluating the USGS. By updating the assessment USGS is arrived at based global reserves of 16 million tons of lithium .

In addition, the USGS reported world annual production of 25,000 tons of lithium for 2007. At this rate of exploitation, we have for hundreds of years. This abundance and low price of lithium, until recently, obviously did not stimulate the exploration of new deposits. We can therefore expect that global reserves are higher than 16 million tons.

Now, in the report Martin Place Securities mentioned above, we learn that the e recovery of lithium from the reserves is around 50% on average. Thus, with 16 million tons of reserves it would be 8 million tonnes of lithium available for industry.

reserves of lithium are found in 75% salt form, mainly lithium carbonate is recovered even in the deserts of salt. The key is found in South America (pictured top) and also in Tibet. Lithium carbonate is the raw material used by the battery industry (5.3 kg of carbonate yield 1 kg of lithium). At

Now for a plug-in hybrid car through a battery giving a range of 100 km in electric mode currently requires storing 20 kWh of electrical energy. In addition, the company LG Chem , which provides the Li-ion batteries for the Chevy Volt GM, through its subsidiary Compact Power , says on its website (in the section Technology FAQ page ) they need 140 g per kWh lithium battery, which gives 2.8 kg of lithium to 20 kWh, which we round down to 3 kg. Remember that this with 3 kg of lithium, a midsize car now runs 100 km in electric mode .

In addition, advanced hybrid cars of the 2020s will be lighter, more aerodynamic and will be equipped with groups of traction wheel motors consume less energy. These intermediate cars of tomorrow will consume about 12 kWh/100 km instead of 20 km kWh/100 mentioned above (see my book Roll without oil). So rather 2 kg of lithium per car it would take until 2025. Thus, for a billion vehicles (there are currently 800 million on the planet) , we would need about 2 million tonnes of lithium, a quarter of global reserves base , available after extraction .

So there enough lithium on the planet for plug-in hybrid cars. But if we wanted to go all-electric cars with batteries 400 km of autonomy, there would be problems. It is always preferable to use the smallest battery possible to travel 80% of our km.

Now, we must realize that the Li-ion batteries are recycled more than 95%. Finite reserves of lithium may therefore be compared with finite reserves oil, which is totally lost in an internal combustion engine .

Some critics of the electrical mobility are also dangled about 60% of world reserves are located in South America and we find ourselves in a similar situation in the Middle East for oil. But, as lithium is of value, we have not finished discovering deposits everywhere. The only deposit King Valley in Nevada, contains sufficient lithium for 500 million cars advanced intermediate with a range of 100 km in electric mode .

Illustration - A draft mining company Lithium Canada Corporation, near Val d'Or, Quebec, could produce enough lithium to equip all Canadian vehicles with a battery providing a range of 100km in electric mode. (Source: Lithium Corporation Cadada )

company Lithium Canada Corp. . account also use an old mine near Val d'Or, Quebec . We think we can get out the equivalent of 55 million kg of lithium, enough for 25 million cars advanced intermediate with a range of 100 km in electric mode, what meet all the needs of Canadians .

Monday, February 16, 2009

Wittiest Wedding Quotes For Wedding Invitation

Where to find land for biofuels?

Illustration - The livestock industry emits more greenhouse gases than all vehicles on the planet. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons )

When we talk about biofuels, people fear being taken away land to feed humans and say that it makes no sense. But try to be objective and to rise above the fray "decompartmentalization" our management land on the planet and see if we could not do better.

First, according to a United Nations report published in 2006, 70% of the world's farmland are dedicated to the livestock industry [H. Steinfeld et al. Livestock's long shadow , Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome 2006]! These lands are divided into pastures and cultivated land to feed livestock (33% of cultivated land on the planet).

Moreover, according to the report, the livestock industry is responsible for 15% to 18% of anthropogenic emissions of gases greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions expressed in CO2 equivalents. But you need to know is that all road vehicles in the world are responsible, themselves, about 12% to 13% of greenhouse gas emissions (including greenhouse gases to produce fuel). The livestock industry emits more greenhouse gases so that road vehicles !

Another element to consider is also that with one hectare of arable land produces about 25 kg of beef animal proteins, so we produced 400 kg of vegetable protein soy , 300 kg Protein 150 kg of rice and wheat proteins, with the same hectare. Besides to produce 1 kg of beef, it takes more than 40000 liters of water, more than 6000 liters of water per 150 grams steak (see the website of the organization Compassion In World Farming in particular the report The Global Benefits of Eating Less Meat , 2004)! Too much meat in our diet is therefore a shameful waste of our planet's resources into agricultural land and fresh water, not to mention other resources such as fossil fuels (natural gas for fertilizer and oil for machinery).

Know the Facts if we want to make informed decisions about the wise use of our farmland.

In my last book Roll without oil, I recommend reduce our meat consumption by 15% (one day a week without meat) . Doing so frees up more agricultural land that is needed to produce biofuels equivalent to 5% of fuel oil currently used. Or 5% is all we need from energy crops to remove oil from road transport (see previous post).

In closing, we must not forget that slightly reducing our meat consumption to produce second generation biofuels, we diminish DOUBLING gas emissions greenhouse , since the livestock industry emits more than road vehicles.

Painkiller Before Wax

biofuels carbon negative: 2 - mixed-grass prairie wildlife

Graphic - wild prairie grasses have roots very deep and provided 3 to 4 meters. (Source: United-States Department of Agriculture, the depth in meters was added by the author of this blog)

With petroleum fuels, it takes carbon that was underground, it burns constantly and thus increased the CO2 content of the atmosphere. The idea behind biofuels is to avoid emitting CO2 from carbon sequestered in geological formations ("géocarbone") and use instead of "bio-carbon" found in plants. It then enters what is called the carbon cycle, where the carbon we send into the atmosphere by burning biofuels is reabsorbed by the plants grown for producing biofuels. It it adds not constantly in the atmosphere, since it does not use fossil fuels to produce biofuels. In this case we say that biofuels are carbon neutral.

This ideal situation is not achieved in practice and gives a positive assessment of CO2 emissions, with greater or lesser reduction in emissions compared to fossil fuels. This reduction is only 20% for ethanol produced from corn kernels, and some say it is zero if we take into account greenhouse gas emissions it took to produce the machinery issue . Add to this the problems of soil degradation and pollution of water due to fertilizers and pesticides, and it is understandable why many environmentalists do not like biofuels.

However, the second-generation biofuels have the potential to reduce emissions of greenhouse gas emissions by 80% to 90%, using the entire plant instead of only grains and fruit, as is currently the case. But the problems of degradation and soil erosion by intensive monocultures must also be taken into account.

Nature would have it, the Researchers have been studying for decades the advantage of crop wild prairie grass, such as switchgrass (switchgrass in English). First, these herbs are perennials, they need not be replanted every year like corn or soybeans. In addition, these herbs have well-developed root systems and deep (picture at the beginning of the ticket). With these two features, wild prairie grasses protect soil from erosion, rather than amplifying it as do the intensive monocultures of annual crops in rows .

Furthermore, wild grassland herbs need not be watered because their roots are very efficient to retrieve soil moisture up to 3 or 4 feet deep . By comparison, corn requires coolants often several hundreds of liters of water per liter of ethanol produced. There

or growing grass prairie wildlife becomes particularly interesting when it is grown in a mixture, including plants that fix nitrogen . This was experienced researchers at the University of Minnesota for 10 years on degraded land. They grew 152 different parcels of land containing different mixtures of up to 16 different herbs in the same plot. The stunning results of their study were published in 2006 (Tilman, Hill and Lehman, Science, Vol. 314, 8 December 2006, page 1598-1600).

First, quantities of fertilizers and pesticides required are much reduced compared to corn and soybeans, as shown in the chart below , from their publication (color added by the author this blog).
The word "Biomass" in this graph represents the mixture at high diversity (16 different herbs).

Now the surprise is that second generation biofuels from such crops with high diversity have strongly negative carbon balances ! That is to say that in addition to avoiding the net emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere (carbon neutral), it literally removes CO2 from the atmosphere to reduce the concentration. The reason is simple, the carbon is stored underground in large quantities in the roots . It a bit like charcoal Terra preta, buried by the natives of the Amazon (see previous post).

However, to obtain carbon footprints strongly negative (-150% to -250%), it must grow several herbs together. For example, plots with a mixture of 16 herbs store 31 times more carbon in the soil than in monoculture plots!

No, definitely, biofuels of tomorrow will have nothing to do with those of today, hence the importance of not throwing out the baby with the bathwater. A sustainable development of biofuels is quite conceivable, if done intelligently and not to produce only small quantities.

In my last book Driving without oil, I show that f area of energy crops to produce biofuels equivalent to 5% of current petroleum fuels would no longer sufficient to consume oil in road transport. The electricity networks would, of course, the main "fuel". It would also use for biofuels, municipal waste, forest waste and recycling of oils and fats in the food industry, which can easily provide equivalent to 2.5% of current petroleum fuels, for a total of 7.5% biofuel (including dedicated energy crops).

Saturday, February 14, 2009

554 This Message Looks Like Spam To Me

biofuels carbon negative: 1-The lesson of ancient Aboriginal Amazon

Illustration - Micrograph of a piece of charcoal (biochar) showing its extreme porosity, smaller by about 1 / 100 of a millimeter. It is an ideal medium to retain water, nutrients and microorganisms, which increase soil fertility. (Source: Best Energies )

past ten years, agronomists and environmentalists are increasingly interested in more Terra preta in the Amazon, an extremely fertile black soil resulting from agricultural practices astonishing ancient Aboriginal .

Their secret was within the charcoal into the soil they , hence the name Terra preta, Portuguese. The appearance of porous charcoal, also called biochar helps retain nutrients, water and microorganisms. These features facilitate plant growth, and reduce the need for fertilizers while reducing over 50% emission nitrous oxide, a gas 300 times more active in global warming than CO2.

To produce biochar, using a thermal decomposition process called pyrolysis of biomass , which involves heating wood or plant residues in a chamber in there scarcer as possible the oxygen. It emerges when combustible gases containing, among other things, hydrogen and methane, which are partly used to produce the heat required by the process. also formed after processing and cooling, bio-oil able to replace oil for heating. can also transform this bio-oil into biofuels more suited to transport as synthetic diesel and gasoline, or ethanol. Then obtained second-generation biofuels.

Now when burying biochar, in addition to fertilize the land, one receiver in soil CO2 from the atmosphere was absorbed by plants . This helps to remove greenhouse gas emissions, particularly sought a bonus these days!. Combining biochar buried and biofuel production therefore gives these biofuels carbon negative , which is even better than a neutral review. The Professor Lehmann of Cornell University estimates that implementing these practices on a large scale, we could both produce biofuels and withdraw annually 9.5 billion tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere by 2100. It's more than we now emits by burning fossil fuels across the planet!

For more information, visit the French site Terra preta , and the English site The International Biochar Initiative (IBI) , where we find an illustration of the pyrolysis process above. In addition, the following video is an excellent documentary on the subject.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wedding Kavithaigal In Tamil

Freight transport in sustainable mobility

Illustration - Van Ford Transit Connect EV presented at the Auto Show in Chicago this week. It will be marketed in 2010 (Photo: Ford)

This week, Ford announced that his first all-electric vehicle will be the Transit Connect van EV promised for 2010. (Photo above). They join forces for this new product to the British company Smith Electric Vehicles already well established and offers a range of electric trucks, as can be seen on their website.

Ford does not give details on the performance of the truck, but because it corresponds to the model of Smith Ampere, Ampere we know can run up to 110 mph and travel up to 160 km on a full charge of its Li-ion battery, which should translate in real life to a range of 100 to 120 km.

In fact, urban transport of goods is probably the area where vehicles will s'électrifier first . Indeed, the vehicles need not drive faster than 90 km / h or distances exceeding 150 km per day approximately . In addition, the vehicles returned to the company every night, where you can easily recharge their batteries. The company TNT, the largest express courier company in England, has understood since they bought in 2007 and 2008, Newton 150 trucks of 7.5 tons, the company Smith Electric Vehicles (shown below ).

Illustration - A 150-Newton Smith electric trucks purchased in 2007 and 2008 by the courier company TNT in England. (Photo: TNT)

Intercity transport of goods is more difficult to electrify due to tractor-trailers that often travel 800 km per day while consuming much more than a light vehicle . In Roll without oil, I demonstrate that the tractor-trailer hybrid of tomorrow will consume 3 times less fuel than today. To achieve this, we should rely on hybridization, a motor heat 25% more efficient, better aerodynamics (Figure below), the electric wheel motors and the reduction of speed on motorways to 95 km / h. After , have reduced energy consumption by a factor 3 could equip the tractor-trailer 2 to 3 tons of high-performance Li-ion batteries, allowing them to travel about 300 kilometers by electricity. With lithium titanate batteries, it would be possible to complete in less than 20 minutes at a charging station one million Watts (1 MW) . For reference, electricity is transferred to a bullet train with a power of 9 MW.

Illustration - designed by Luigi Colani Trucks (Source: Wikimedia Commons , author: Wikipedia is, August 2005)

Furthermore, in a context of scarce energy, it is desirable that people consume more locally, thereby reducing the number of trucks on the roads. Moreover, the high cost of oil in 2008 has raised cooperation between transport companies, which have become more and more cocamionnage when their trucks are not full, which, again, reduces the number of trucks on roads. Finally, you can also divert part of semi-trailers through trains . This is the principle of piggybacking, more and more popular in Europe, where trains run largely on electricity.

Illustration - Station intermodal piggyback between Luxembourg and Perpignan, managed by the French company Lorry Rail (Source: Lorry Rail)

In closing, we should not forget we can also Freight transport electricity through high-speed monorail that I mentioned in my post on February 9, 2009.

Chords Biffy Clyro Mountains Piano

"Ley Seca" law against the sale of alcohol in Venezuela

"Ley seca " law against the sale of alcohol in Venezuela.
As each election law prohibits the sale of alcohol.
From Friday, February 13 at noon and until Monday, 16 in late afternoon.
The law applies to all outlets except the hotels offering all inclusive services.
Since the ban is for sale and not for consumption. I assure you
Venezuelans are sighted and you find your liquor without difficulties. Hasta luego y suerte


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pokemon Sapphire Jar File

How much more electricity to the networks?

Illustration - graphic from my book Driving without oil, showing the percentage of additional electric power required in different places, so that vehicles travel 70% of miles in electric mode.

When addressing the topic of pluggable hybrid electric vehicles, the uninitiated are always ahead of the fear of running out of electricity. But we must not forget that this transition mainly electric mobility will occur gradually over 20 to 25 years, and provide an opportunity Single stimulate local economies.

Regarding additional quantities of electricity required, the calculations are explained in my book Roll without oil (and corroborated by another study), n e assuming that 70% of vehicle mileage be traveled using electricity. The results are shown on the graph above. The higher values correspond to the technologies to be commercialized within the next few years, while lower values are references to mature technologies, less energy that will be widely available after 2020.

It is noted that Quebec is a very special place, since the additional electricity required is about 7% by 2030 say. One could easily get this amount by relying on increased energy efficiency. Another interesting option would be to install geothermal heat pumps for heating half the homes and buildings. This would save the 7% of the electricity we need. If the percentage of extra electricity is so low in Quebec, that Quebecers have 3 times more electricity per capita than the French and the Californians, and two times more than average Americans . In addition, electricity in Quebec is very cheap and clean (95% hydro).

Finally, for those who fear that Hydro-Quebec still does not recharge the batteries (with intelligent terminals) a few days of winter when it is minus -35 ° C, do not forget that 'there is no problem with a plug-in hybrid car, since it can operate just as well with his engine.

Illustration - The wind can provide a significant portion of the additional electricity required. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons , author: Kapipelmo, April 2008)

Taking the United States now is about 22% of additional electricity it would take to power vehicles . But like 70% of their electricity comes from natural gas plants and coal, these plants are highly under-utilized at night, and could be partly to recharge the vehicle, without building new plants.

also install solar panels on the roofs of buildings in the southern United States, to recharge the vehicles pluggable, costs less than buying fuel for a conventional vehicle. It is conceivable also add 15% to 20% of wind within 20 years. Moreover, with new storage technologies of heat in molten salt, we can now build solar thermal power plants that operate 24 hours a day, and it is not sunny arid lacking in the United States. The company engineers have Ausra calculated that it would cover a square 150 km on each side in the desert to supply all the electricity consumed in the United States. Finally, the company Shave just opened a new geothermal power plant of a kind, working 24 hours a day, using water at a lower temperature than traditional geothermal plants. They estimate that over 10% of Americans' electricity could be generated by geothermal energy. Add to this the energy efficiency for buildings, smaller vehicles, and more transit , and you realize that the only problem is political, not the additional electricity required . Fortunately, with Obama this situation seems to be a thing of the past.

In closing, we should not forget that countries will implement renewable energy to increase their network capacity will stimulate the local economy. Because they will support this work with money saved due to reduced import of oil, thus saving them tens of billions of dollars annually .

Wrestling Singlet Penis

4 times less fuel without using grid electricity

Graphic - Chart showing decreases in fuel consumption of an advanced hybrid car, compared to a conventional car today consumes 100 units of fuel.

For those who have read my previous posts, you know that the Car of Tomorrow (2030) is a hybrid electric plug-in. In what follows, you will see that when this car will operate in fuel, after exhausting grid electricity stored in its battery, plug-in hybrid car that tomorrow will consume 4 times less fuel on average than conventional cars today. For more, see the chart above.

First, experts agree that hybridization robust performance with a central electric motor can reduce fuel consumption third. To do this, you should use Li-ion whose efficiency reaches more than 98%, electric motors and high efficiency as well (some reach 96% today). For comparison, Ni-MH batteries, such as the Prius, are effective to about 75%. In a

Second, we can further reduce third the fuel consumption of hybrid car, improving its internal combustion engine using different technologies . The table below lists several. The first three (in orange) are quite independent of each other and together can provide a reduction in consumption approaching 25%. The other technologies listed all contribute to a better combustion and can not simply be added because they are competing with each other. I shall return to some of these technologies, but for the impatient you can always consult my book Driving without oil , where you will find details and references. Also, remember that the e mere fact of placing a gasoline engine with a diesel engine reduces fuel consumption by about 20% .

In addition to the many improvements we can make the combustion engine piston plug-in hybrid car of tomorrow is an extraordinary opportunity to try new types of rotary heat engines more efficient as potentially the Quasiturbine Gilles Saint-Hilaire, or motor RADMAX Reg / Regi Technologies. The idea is that these engines will be used no more than 75 000 km on the life of the car, since the majority of kilometers will be flown to electricity. The sustainability constraint is much less severe. Moreover, these rotary engines are about 4 times lighter and more compact than piston engines, while having far fewer moving parts. They should be cheaper. Such engines would simply drive a generator to recharge the battery, without being connected mechanically to the wheels.

Illustration - 3D representation of the different components of a Quasiturbine trolley, invented by physicist Gilles Saint-Hilaire Quebec.

Now, in the continued reduction of fuel consumption, even if we refer to the chart at the beginning, we see that it can be reduced by 25% more playing on the weight of the car, aerodynamics and tires . A realistic reduction of 30% of weight is accompanied by a decrease in consumption of about 18%. However, 30% is a figure realistic, as the company Fisher Coachworks announced marketing an upcoming plug-in hybrid buses, GTB-40, 40% lighter than traditional buses. To achieve the 25% reduction in consumption of our car, we can also use tires with low rolling resistance could reduce the consumption of 2% to 5%. The remaining 25% is obtained by taking care of the aerodynamic profile of the car.

At this point, we have a plug-in hybrid car advanced to central electric motor, which consumes three times less fuel than a conventional car today when operating in fuel mode.

The last step in our scenario to reduce consumption is to equip our car plug-in hybrid 4-wheel motors. These will give it an additional 25% of fuel consumption in mixed driving, as we saw in the previous post. then obtained, ultimately, reduced by a factor of 4 mentioned in the title of this post. consumption of a car through advanced hybrid would be 2 to 2.5 litres/100 km.

Moreover, if the plug-in hybrid cars are advanced 80% of their mileage to electricity these cars will consume 20% ÷ 4 = 5% fuel cars of today, 20 times least one year ! With small amounts such as these can not consider problems of sustainable development of second generation biofuels, made from waste, residues and non-food plant . We'll talk.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pokemon Deluge Powerful Attacks

The great importance of wheel motors

Illustration - Representation a motor-wheel similar to those developed by the team of Pierre Couture Hydro-Quebec and presented to the public in 1994. The author of this blog has drawn from public information contained in marketing materials and patents.

Quebecers over 30 years remember seeing on television in 1994 and 1995, an experimental car equipped with a revolutionary electric wheel motors high performance. It was a Chrysler Intrepid amended by researchers from Hydro-Quebec under the direction of Dr. Pierre Couture, a brilliant physicist, ahead of its time, the principal inventor of the locomotive unmatched to this day. The press conference to announce this revolutionary technology was held December 1, 1994. To see the promotional material distributed on this day click HERE , and to read the transcript of remarks by Pierre Couture explaining technology click HERE and download the episode 2-29 of volume 2 of my book S n the road electricity.

The basic idea was to make the Intrepid plug-in hybrid car. By recharging the battery at night at home, the owner of the car could travel 65 km in electric mode every day, without consuming fuel. For journeys longer than 65 km, a small heat engine-generator would recharge the battery by the way, giving the car an autonomy similar to that of a conventional car. This is called today a series hybrid car, whose motor fuel is not connected mechanically to the wheels. Moreover, as 80% of people are under 65 km per day with their cars, on average, the vast majority of their mileage would have made electricity. It is this concept that GM has incorporated in its Chevy Volt, which should be commercialized in 2011. However, the Chevy Volt is not equipped with wheel motors, but a central electric motor under the hood, which makes the car heavier, more expensive, leaving less space available.

Unfortunately, in 1995 Hydro-Quebec has made a decision totally incomprehensible to drastically reduce its proposed development of locomotive Couture, which led to the resignation of its inventor in 1995. Pierre Couture has never worked on this project since. The company TM4, a subsidiary of Hydro-Quebec to market the locomotive engines to 4-wheeler hence its name also adopted, for all practical purposes, the development of motor-wheel electric motors for central, like everyone else. Readers wishing to know more about this dismal saga of the motor-wheel Hydro-Quebec are invited to check out my latest book Roll without oil.

The author of this blog is absolutely convinced that the locomotive Couture 4-wheel motors is still the best and that is the locomotive of the future. Here's why.

Firstly, looking at the illustration above, shows that the permanent magnets (green and orange) are glued close to the rim of the wheel, which gives the engine a large diameter (38 cm) and increases the strength as well as engine power. There are of course other innovations designed by Pierre Couture, who helped to give his wheel motors efficiency above 96%, while having a capacity greater than 100 kW engine and a torque ("force") of 1200 Nm for each engine, which was 2.5 times more than a Corvette engine of the time! The total power with 4-wheel motors would have exceeded 400 kW and the total torque 4800 Nm enough to propel the Chrysler Intrepid from 0 to 100 km / h in 3 seconds, as calculated by Pierre Couture!

The performance of these wheel motors have been validated in the laboratory, but at the time of the resignation of Dr. Couture, only 2-wheel motors were installed on the Intrepid and the power electronics was not yet complete, of Hence the inability to complete tests on the road. However, the illustration below shows a test field where motorized wheels turning on the spot by burning rubber tires. This performance was not possible with the big V8 original the Chrysler Intrepid.

Graphic - Images from the show Discovery of Radio-Canada, presenting a report on the motor-wheel made in 1997. (Photo: Archives de Radio-Canada)

Now order to have performance as stunning was not grandstanding, but to recover more energy from braking, even when braking suddenly . With four good wheels and engine-good batteries can be recovered almost 90% of the kinetic energy of the car when slows. The motors act like brakes that generate power and recharge the battery. This is called regenerative braking . In a conventional car, the kinetic energy is lost as heat in the mechanical brakes. In a mid-engine electric car was recovered in the order of 20-25% maximum kinetic energy, because the electric motor is connected to two wheels, and rear differential to boot. But a car has to brake all four wheels and an electric car in central motor brake must be added mechanical motorized two-wheeler, because you can not stop behind a differential only. Indeed, if one wheel is on the ice, the other would be to turn quickly and the driver could lose control of the car.

Moreover, with four-wheel motor, no transmission or differential elsewhere. It is a direct drive, and there is no energy loss between engine and wheels, as is the case in a mid-engined car. That is another reason why wheel motors consume less energy.

Moreover, since energy consumption is lower, we can reduce the size of the battery, motor-generator and fuel tank. Besides the wheel motors themselves are lighter than a central engine of equivalent power, since their external structures serve a dual function, serving also as a supporting structure to the wheels. Easing the car is therefore a third cause for reduction of energy consumption .

Now that with the wheel motors there is no engine under the hood can taper it and close the bottom of the car ahead. These modifications to the bodywork of the car improve aerodynamics and provide a fourth contribution to reducing energy consumption .

These four factors combine to give an energy consumption of motor cars motorbikes around 35% lower than a mid-engine electric car for city driving, and about 15% lower for conduct on the highway. In mixed driving, we obtain a reduction in consumption of around 25% due to the wheel motors. It's a big difference, especially for urban cars, delivery trucks and buses! This reduction in consumption not only lowers operating costs but also the cost of purchasing the vehicles, since the battery (very expensive) and the heat engine (for plug-in hybrid vehicles) may be reduced in size considerably . In addition, vehicle wheel motors have several components in less (no difference, no transmission, no PTO, no mechanical systems to ABS).

Furthermore, not only cars with wheel motors are more efficient energy but they are also the most powerful, which in itself represents a major paradigm . James Bond and Al Gore could carpool together in a car wheel motors and the two would be very happy!

In closing, it is worth mentioning four other benefits wheel motors that are not linked to the consumption of energy. The fact that there is no engine under the hood increases the crushing zone (crunching zone) of the metal during a frontal impact, which improves safety passenger reducing the brutal shock. Moreover, lack of engine under the hood gives much more flexibility the designer to decorate the spaces . Moreover, with four-wheel motors, can integrate a system antirérapage Software, and a braking system with ABS anti-blocking software as well. Finally, the driver has four-wheel drive, which is popular in winter in northern countries, as well as by those who have to travel on dirt roads.

In a future post I will discuss the various motor vehicle-wheels were made by various manufacturers.

Is The Sandals Resort Gay Friendly

Electric buses booze

ILLUSTRATION - The ancestor of buses bottle, the company Oerlikon gyrobus used in Switzerland in the early 1950s. The electrical energy gained during the 70 second cooldown at every 2 km accumulated in a flywheel. The illustration is the cover page on the old journal Science and Mechanics April 1954.

As we have seen in my post on February 8, 2009 on the exhaustion of planetary resources, sustainable transport of people going by public transport much more developed today.

all-electric vehicles are ideal for the quality of life (no pollution and little noise). Already metros, trams and trolleybuses in operation in several cities. But the bus remains a very important component of urban transit. We see more and more battery-electric buses to appear as the small fleet of electric vans set up in Old Quebec in 2008, but their autonomy is limited to about 100 km due to the cost and weight of batteries.

With the advent of the batteries to recharge very Quick lithium titanate, since 2007, it is now possible to have electric buses bottle. These buses will be full of electricity at regular intervals along their journey , connecting to fast charging stations for less than a minute every 5 km.

The advantage of the opportunity charging is that son does not need air above the streets, as trolley buses, rail or as for the trams. The infrastructure cost is reduced accordingly, and the cost of batteries, since a range of about 20 km is sufficient. A system of electric buses booze also offers more flexibility because you can easily change course, which is not the case for trams or trolleybuses, which must follow their tracks to be supplied with electricity.

If we want to increase the capacity of a transit bus system and near the tram, you just have buses in dedicated lanes where not available to other vehicles. This is the concept of busway, more and more popular as cheaper than the tram. The city of Nantes in France, among others, just install a very popular line in November 2006. The current busways using conventional articulated buses (120 passengers per train) running diesel or natural gax. The next logical step would be for electrical busways bottle.

The principle of opportunity charging is not new. He was tried in Switzerland in the early 1950s with the gyrobus , built by Oerlikon (illustration at the beginning of this post). At that time, there was obviously no quick charging batteries as long today. The energy storage system used was a flywheel rotated fast (3000 rpm)..

Moreover, the Swiss company Numexia currently developing small autonomous electric vehicles booze (5 seconds to recharge regularly spaced positions) for the transit of passengers, without drivers (shown below) . The system will be installed in Switzerland, the site of the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne in 2010 and will serve a term of 4.6 km. It will use 30 small vehicles and 15 rapid charging stations without contact. This transport system has been innovative presented to the television Channel Nouvo TSR in Switzerland.

In California, the company Proterra just introduced in February 2009 its all-electric buses EcoRide BE35 (shown below) that can travel 50 km to 60 km on one charge of its battery lithium titanate Altairnano . The battery can be recharged in less than 10 minutes with high power charger also sold by Proterra. The bus is also available as a plug-in hybrid, while giving the same autonomy than traditional buses. is a very interesting intermediate step before the actual electric buses booze.

Making A Slide Projector

A reader asks me questions

Ionel Hello,
Here are my answers, there may be some small mistakes discount prices and costs.
But I do my best.
- Do you know what are the legal procedures to follow for foreigners to settle in the long term? must take the steps with the Embassy of Venezuela in Canada.
They are only allowed to issue you a visa long-stay (in your case ret)
- How is the level of general life on the island and especially how a foreigner can adapt in the long term? Everyone is not in local life, the warmth and nonchalance are sometimes difficult to bear
* I speak Romanian, French and English .. surely a few months I'll manage to learn a little English too
Imperative, the sooner you speak English and better be.
* how much money (dollars, euros) per month you need to live comfortably? All
between $ 800 and 1.200US
- What are the steps to buy a property (house, apartment):
Register with the Venezuelan tax authorities,
agent or real estate agent or owner,
Counsel for drafting Document
Office Notarial
Registration in real estate and cadastre
* you know of local real estate? Yes
* price in general a decent apartment (minimum 2 bedrooms) or a house?
- on a range between $ 40,000 and 150.000US
- inside the city between $ 30,000 and 150.000US
- what places (cities) on the island are the best place to live? Pampatar, Costa Azul, Juan Griego
- An alien, if he needs a mortgage in Venezuela, can he get there with the local banks? No, there must be a resident status or 5 years minimum.
* if yes, do you know the procedures, interest rates and the maximum?
* Is there a down payment required to give and how much?
* 30% the cost of home insurance? Variable between 200 and 1.000US $ / year
- How much does it cost to rent a decent apartment (2 bedrooms)?
Hard to find, the island is oriented rental
* on the beach? Between 400 and 1.000US $ / month *
within a city? Between 300 and 800US $ / month
- Can we bring our car with us? Too much complication
* if yes, we are forced to save the island? Yes
* Canadian driver's license is it recognized there? Not
* the cost of auto insurance? Between 60 and 200US/an
* general condition of the road system on the island? Medium to poor
- Is there the possibility that my pension is transferred to a bank on the island? Yes But
* * if so, it will be converted into local currency? Yes But
* * do you know the exchange rate between the local currency and the Canadian dollar? $ 1 USD = 1.76 * BsF
banks' request for the transfer fees? Yes
* can I still have and use my credit cards Canadian (Master Card and Visa) on site? Yes But *
* WARNING there is a change follow parallel on 02/06/2009 1US $ = 5 and 5.75
* can I get a debit card and credit from a local bank?
debit card: Yes even with a tourist visa, but not all banks.
credit card: No you need a residency (but you must learn some banks accept)
- The health system:
* Is well established (hospitals, specialist doctors, dentists etc.)? Yes you can get free health care but the waiting is horrible.
* you need medical insurance (consultation, hospitalization, dental, etc..) And the costs of such medical insurance)? Important , between 200 and 400US $ / year
- The judiciary and bureaucracy?
* Is it fair or corrupt? Yes and no, we can achieve much within the law and providing gifts for services rendered
* to consult a lawyer, a notary public (price in general) Notary offices are there to formalize a document, counsel official rates generally do not cover for information
* General-police relations - citizens? correct, but it is better to be in order.
- Security in general on the island (for foreigners)? Venezuelans are increasingly the target of thugs.
I hope that answers your questions, in return I ask your permission to publish the questions and answers oculta your details.
In advance thank you
Hasta luego y feliz día

Monday, February 9, 2009

How To Wear Low Back Bra

Monorails in-wheel motors instead of TGV

ILLUSTRATION - Artistic Vision of monorail motor wheels designed by Pierre Couture in Las 1990s, from my previous book Driving without oil. (Drawing: Paul Berryman)

The author of this blog who has lived in France for two years know how the TGV are comfortable and faster than the plane for courses below 1000 km, if one takes into account the delays at airports and travel between airports and city centers.

However, the establishment of a TGV line costs about 15 million euros / km (15 M € / km) in France, or C $ 23 million / km. In Nordic countries like Canada, there must be seated deeper in the event of freezing and thawing, and the bill could rise to more than $ 30 million / km. The cost of a bullet train between Quebec City and Montreal (250 km) could exceed $ 7.5 billion. To recoup such infrastructure requires a high density of population, while In Canada, the populous towns are few and far between .

This problem of intercity rapid transit, Pierre Couture, the inventor of modern motor-wheel (with the Research Institute of Hydro-Quebec in 1994) has thought long and hard. It leads to a totally revolutionary concept. Judge for yourself.

To minimize the work of seat tracks which are resistant to frost, the solution proposed by Pierre Couture is to build a monorail ultralight, two-lane, whose structure is supported by simple columns ending in Y. Wagons autonomous suspended and powered by 16 motors, wheels, are capable of carrying sixty passengers and travel separated from each other at a speed of 250 km / h about . To avoid having to expropriate land for the lines, the rails are positioned between the two carriageways of motorways or along rights of way for train tracks . surfaces used on the ground are just a few square meters every sixty meters. For turns too tight, it would overflow slightly plots and skew spans. The wheels are equipped with rubber tires, they offer better traction than steel wheels of trains, which allows the monorail to climb the slopes of highways and overpasses span. The narrow span over which roll the wheel motors is covered and encompassed by a wall light enough slope so that the snow does not accumulate.

On second thought, this monorail light and fast motor-wheels, designed by Pierre Couture, would be very beneficial across the globe, not only in cold countries. Especially since the he cost infrastructure is at least 3 times lower than that of a TGV , given the low tillage, lack of expropriation and construction of structures in automated factory, 12 months a year! could put these monorails developed only with the money saved by introducing a line of 250 km, since this line would cost about $ 5 billion less than for a bullet train! Subsequently, the commercialization of this technology would quickly recover the investment.

These monorails would be light and fast also ideal for connecting downtowns to airports, or relieve bridges at rush hour, hanging rails for side structures of bridges. People who live in the south shore of St. Lawrence and who will work on the island of Montreal would appreciate such a service transit much less expensive than a subway under the River.

Advisory folks at Bombardier will see drop the aviation industry in the years ahead, and are also on trains, or other contractors. Be visionary ...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hindi Satellite Frequencies

The depletion of global control over transit

ILLUSTRATION - Number of years before the exhaustion of various resources at the global level, assuming a holding geological equal to that of 2006. The data come from the U.S. Geological Survey the report BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2008 and an article on Paul Mobbs uranium reserves. Graph from Roll without oil.

Although electrically powered cars are much more efficient than conventional cars, the fact remains that it is not very wise constantly moving vehicle to carry a 1500 kg 75 kg person . should not only consider oil consumption vehicles. It will also be very vigilant on the consumption of metals which will disappear in a few more decades, if they continue to operate at current rates (see chart above).

Faced with this global resource, the author of these notes is convinced that u No real sustainable development of road transport requires a significant investment in public transport , that our governments have a duty to improve, to attract more customers . Carpooling and electric cars urban community are other important elements to help us eliminate our dependence on oil while reducing our consumption of raw materials. Cycling and walking nicely complement the overall environmentally responsible ways. But it also will have to rethink the urban sprawl, promote weeks 4 days and telecommuting.

To minimize the consumption of raw materials in the construction of vehicles such as the group traction wheel motors is that which allows the greatest economy , as we shall see in another post. Besides the wheel motors are ideal for urban transit, as they allow buses to get the maximum energy during their many stops, which minimizes energy consumption. In fact, buses are probably the vehicles that would benefit most from the technology of wheel motors.

Free Posters World Aids Day

cells and hydrogen fuel for cars, a dead end

ILLUSTRATION - Comparison between the chain of processing and distribution of energy for vehicles with hydrogen-CAP, right, and the chain for battery electric vehicles to the left. The PAC-hydrogen cars consume three times more electricity than electric cars or plug-in hybrid electric mode. Illustration from my latest book Roll without oil.

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells (CAP) have been presented since the mid-1990s as the panacea to the problems of pollution caused by motor vehicles, as only water vapor out Hose exhaust. Moreover, knowing that 96% of hydrogen is currently produced from fossil fuels , oil and gas are necessarily a good eye for the arrival of a hydrogen economy.

The main advantages of hydrogen are put forward the possibility to refuel in less than 10 minutes and offer a range of 500 km , unlike batteries, which took several hours for their recharge and limit the autonomy of an electric car at a distance of about 200 km. However, since 2007 the ew batteries lithium titanate as those of Altairnano or Toshiba can also be recharged in less than 10 minutes. In addition, a plug-in hybrid car can also be refueled in less than 10 minutes to an autonomy of 700 km, while the vast majority of our mileage with grid electricity .

Remember that hydrogen does not exist naturally on Earth . It is associated, among other things, the oxygen form water and carbon to form hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas) or coal. To obtain hydrogen, must first separate the molecules where it is located, which consumes energy and produces CO2 when using fossil fuels as a source of hydrogen .

While some automakers have made some nice cars PAC-functional and emission-free hydrogen instead of use, hydrogen is not as beneficial as people say. Several experts, including Ulf Bossel Have shown that the hydrogen economy was not really viable and sustainable development that away by taking this path. The main reasons are (see Driving without oil for details) :

  • When hydrogen is produced by reforming natural gas and electricity in a power plant to natural gas , a car CAP emits 50% more CO2 a car battery electric car or a plug-in hybrid electric mode.
  • When hydrogen is produced by electrolysis of water using renewable energy (not CO2) CAP vehicles consume three times more electricity than battery electric vehicles or plug-in hybrid vehicles.
  • should invest hundreds of billions of dollars to establish a distribution network of hydrogen .
  • Make full of hydrogen would cost at least five times more expensive than fill power. It is about 15 times more expensive today.
  • The explosive aspect of this gas safe distribution makes it difficult to scale, while the common people should be full. In addition, a gas station to refuel, we need 15 trucks to compressed hydrogen to replace a gasoline truck, adding to the dangers on the roads.
  • The development of vehicles CAP is ten years behind on hybrid electric vehicles pluggable . Thus, CAP vehicles with no particular advantage, however, that makes it very unlikely a significant market penetration.
It is high time to turn the page "spending hydrogen" to quickly develop a real "economy of the electron (green)" .