A recent study shows that manages to guess the political orientation of candidates for election in proportions around 6 of 10 (*), that is to say superior to mere chance.
Whenever this type of observation is made, everyone immediately asks: how is this possible?!
Actually come to think better, if all this could not have more sense ...!
This U.S. study says that people associate with the Republican dominance of quality, maturity, so they associate Democrats with qualities of warmth and close relationships. But these qualities are based on human emotions themselves very legible on the face, and the emotions most commonly experienced by marking the end face. A face ritually closed, finally seem neutral even when closed. A smiling face seems to smile even when his expression is neutral. Wrinkles and end up taking the most common configuration of the face. If solidarity is now the common denominator of the Democrats, the power which unites the Republicans. Is not it normal to see faces show it. And is not that the opposite would have seemed more abnormal!
(*) Rule.N; Ambady N, in PloS, Volume 5, p.8735. 2010
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