Reading thoughts by advancing computer ... For the purpose of an experiment scientists from University College London (UCL) showed three films to ten participants in an experiment. Scientists have proven capable of knowing then what movie people thought on reading their only route cerebral computer. In fact they were able to keep track of episodic memory. ( online version of the journal Current Biology, dated March 11, 2010 )
Quietly, research research, scientists show that one day the decryption of thought through an MRI which data will be decoded by a computer does longer quite part of science fiction.
On the other side of the brain, the side of body language, the search is no exception. For it is now possible to tell if someone is speaking to us in agreement with what she said or not by decoding their nonverbal reactions. If the questions put to him are binary, so it is possible to know what the person does not say ....... but she thinks.
You may say that the mystery of the relationship may well disappear one day. Probably not because the originality of the human being is its ability to create and establish precisely forecast the defeat!
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