The universality of reading emotion is a fundamental postulate of synergology. When we say "universality" means the universality of the emotions felt as emotional expression may be different from one culture to another. This is also because the emotions can be universally understood that human beings can understand what the other feels, without the need to talk.
As the advancement of knowledge of the brain makes its way, new data advance the thesis of the universality of emotions. We now know for example that 66 same mirror neurons, (to put themselves in the place of others and becomes active both when we perform an act when we see him start at the other), have been identified in 21 patients epilepsy in a population of 1177 neurons studied from implants in the brains of epileptic patients (*). The existence of this class of neurons had been first identified in monkeys. They can better understand and culture can not be invoked to explain their creation ...
See R. Mukamel et al curent Biology, 8, 50, 2010.
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