message blog botox aroused many reactions membership or skepticism, and in all cases of interest.
In fact, it seems difficult to imagine that our brain can stimulate the body areas where we think and the feedback that we send those body areas allows us to feel things, and thus to understand them. And yet ...
Building on the previous post, a neuropsychologist at the University St. Louis, Nicole Speer (1) has read passages from stories of adventure for volunteers and she realized that these people were working the area of the brain in charge of the body, for example, moves the arm if the hero takes up a weapon ... Identification with the hero was not purely intellectual, it was also physical.
In reality this type of research helps to admit that our conscious thoughts are never purely intellectual, they are also physical. We must feel what we're talking to understand. That's why, for example, among mathematicians, zone brain involved in the production of emotions activated when you show them numbers! or we need to activate the zygomatic muscles to understand the laughter of the other ...
synergology And in all this ... because these discoveries are made far enough in appearance to the world of synergology. Maybe not that much. In the context of a broad Construct a Science of Being human, instead of showing the interaction between brain area and body area, it is also possible to return the glove to show that the body area observed is the visible interface of the brain!
For synergologist an emotion that can not be seen does not exist, and if emotion is seen, it is always about the nature of our thoughts!
(1) N Speer et al. "Reading stories activate neural representations of visual and motor experiences" , in Psychological Science, Vol 2, p.989, 2009.