Unfortunately, scams are common.
Be careful when your payments, check your money twice and do not leave your tickets one at a time.
There is a passage connecting the international airport to domestic airport, as soon as you retrieve your luggage before leaving on your left. From outside the distance is less than 500m.
Ask: Cuanto? To Details of the minimum wage is less than BsF 3/hour. 10-20
BsF service remains correct, you can donate more, it's up to you. Accompanying
Some people have devel an escort service to help you find your match. Same to you to consider service for payment.
Below exchange rates, but there is an unofficial market almost double, but be careful when risks are large transactions, particularly at the airport.
The official rate is: $ BsF 1 = 4.30 (fixed rate) 1
€ BsF = 5.887 (11/02/10) Floating
Finally the difference between the Old and Bolivar Fuerte simple to understand the value of the former, it is enough to remove three ZERO or Bs BsF 1,000 = 1.
following fees payable to: Impuesto de Salida
, it is included in the ticket price may be adjusted depending on the date of purchase.
BS.F. 162.50 ($ 37.79)
Tasa Aeroportuarias Internacional
BS.F. 162.50 ($ 37.79)
Tasa Aeroportuarias Nacional
BS.F. 32.50 ($ 7.56)
Tasa Aeroportuarias Nacional de Margarita 32.50 BS.F
All comments are welcome. Hasta luego
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